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Service Project
Sustainable agriculture in Uganda
This year‘s service project is all about renewable energies. In cooperation with the foundation of Fellow Rotarian Reiner Schmidt, we support a village in Uganda in strengthening modern and above all sustainable farming structures. Agricultural vehicles will be equipped with e-mobility. Solar Panels will be introduced to generate electricity. These advancements in the local agricultural sector will generate new form of employment opportunities and foster technical progress in the region.

You’re not an active runner yourself, but would like to support our project anyway?
Donations are highly appreciated. We promise to transfer 100% of your donation to this year’s charity cause.
Please wire your donation to
Rotary E-Club Rhein-Main International
Raiffeisen-Volksbank Aschaffenburg eG
IBAN DE15 7956 2514 0007 2364 76
Subject: Rotary E-Run 2023
Thanks a lot for your support!
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